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Our Ethics

Mannatech has built its business on a foundation of reliability and integrity. Mannatech has been committed to this standard of excellence since its inception in 1994, and we’re dedicated to continuous improvement in order to meet that objective.

Because these qualities are integral to Mannatech’s core values, we conduct business according to the highest ethical standards. Executives, officers, employees and independent contractors alike are required to act in accordance with the standards and policies described. In addition to being bound by the the Business Code of Conduct’s provisions, Mannatech has adopted a Code of Ethics specifically for its principal executive officers and senior financial officers or persons performing similar functions.

Should ethical situations arise during the course of business, Mannatech encourages all stakeholders to make decisions consistent with our Business Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. In addition, should anyone need guidance regarding business conduct, they may contact Mannatech’s General Counsel or file a confidential, and if desired, anonymous report, through EthicsPoint®, via the Internet at or one of the Ethicspoint Toll-free hotlines in each of our country of operations. Mannatech has selected Ethicspoint, an independent third-party company, to receive reports about activities that may constitute violations of Mannatech’s Business Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, and Associate Policies & Procedures or which may constitute illegal or unethical behavior.

Employees and representatives of Mannatech have an obligation to report any policy violations. Mannatech’s reporting policy and the law specifically forbid retaliation against any person who files a complaint, ensuring that concerns will be addressed without placing employment positions in jeopardy.

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